Mampong Technical College of Education has held its 15th matriculation ceremony for freshmen who gained admissin into the college for the 2022/2023 academic year. The ceremony took place on the 24th of March at the forecourt of the administration block. A total of 309 students, who constituted the 4th batch of the initial Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) programme were matriculated.
During the ceremony, Mr. Samuel Opoku, the College Secretary, highlighted the requirements for students admitted to the college to take the Matriculation Oath and sign the Matriculation Register as stated in the Colleges of Education Act 847 of 2012.

The Principal Mrs. Doris Boakye Ansah, in her speech, admonished the new students pursue their studies seriously to become effective instructors for the nation. According to her, applicants who applied for the 2022/2023 academic year were alot, of which only 309 students were admitted due to quota intake of admissions as directed by the government. She advised the freshmen to be of good behavior and take their academics seriously.
The matriculation ceremony is an event to usher students into the college as junior members as well as officially welcome and accept all newly admitted students to the college community and to their respective programs of study.
All matriculants took the Matriculation Oath administered by the College Secretary, and the Principal of the College, declared that the freshmen had been duly matriculated.

We congratulate all freshmen and women for a successful matriculation !!!